Our All-Inclusive Fitness Programs

We offer a variety of programs to meet your unique needs. All are affordable, effective and sustainable over the long term.

The 12-Week Challenge

This is a golden opportunity to get fit, sexy and healthy! In just 12 weeks, we’ll teach you how to exercise effectively, eat well and indulge when you want. Our 12-week challenge is perfect for people who:
  • have 10 kg or more to lose
  • are battling health issues
  • want to drop some dress sizes
  • need to shed that mummy belly fat
If that sounds like you, we’ve got you covered! We’ll deliver everything you need to succeed, including detailed home-exercise plans, weekly live workouts, sumptuous meal plans, easy-to-make recipes and 24/7 online support. Sign up today to give yourself the gift of a new you in just 12 weeks!
150.00 $

The 8-Week Challenge

Looking forward to beginning your weight loss journey with the right support group? Our 8-week challenge is all about getting healthy, shedding excess weight and feeling good about yourself! Our 8-week challenge is ideal for people who:
  • have 5 kg to 10 kg to lose
  • are battling health issues
  • want to drop some dress sizes
  • need to shed that mummy belly fat
We’ll deliver everything you need to succeed, including detailed home-exercise plans, weekly live workouts, sumptuous meal plans, easy-to-make recipes and 24/7 online support. Sign up today to give yourself the gift of a new you in just 8 weeks!
100.00 $

The Express Challenge

It’s called the Express for a reason! In just 4 weeks, we’ll help you shed those last few pounds, blast inches off your tummy and fit into that dress. The 4-week challenge is for people who:
  • have less than 5 kg to lose
  • are close to fitting into that dream dress 
  • want to refine their habits
  • need to tone up quickly
Much like our other programs, you’ll receive our daily exercise instructions, weekly live workouts, meal plans, recipes and 24/7 support. After just 4 weeks, we know you’ll be feeling fit, toned and confident!
70.00 $

Food Intolerances

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Weight Management

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco la nisi ut aliquip.